Saturday, December 17, 2011

My followers! New for you, I've moved to a new site!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! 

I wanted to let all of you know I have created a new site where I will be posting from now on. 

It's my new website and will now make this my home for future posts. Please visit me here and will be giving you new and fresh things to look at and enjoy!
Read my about me and it will give you an insight on myself and my posts.
Thank you!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Maui Vacation Summer 2011

This year we made a wonder trip to the island of Maui, Hawaii. Our very first time there and I must say I was so excited to finally take a vacation and visit such a luscious green place, with turquoise water, and soft sand like I was walking over a pillow. The air was clean and fresh and the locals very welcoming. It was a trip that will live vividly in my mind for the rest of my life.

 A video of our trip!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hey everyone, sorry for being gone for a month, it's been a crazy month! Work went from many morning shifts to late shifts for a few weeks, birthday party's, a Bridal party, Memorial Day weekend celebration, and starting the online planning of visiting Maui in September. So much that I have no idea where the month of May even went! 

To update you on a few things I did here are a few pictures for all of you!

Starting off with a good breakfast (work treats us well for meetings)

Sunshine in the mornings....

But rain throughout the day almost all month.

Shot a gun again after 5 years at the shooting range. 
(my boyfriend's silhouette)

Cheesecake birthday cake!

What I did on my days off... nothing! Lay on the couch

Memorial Day weekend BBQ & relaxation!

Sun peaked out once in a while 

Bridal Party, champagne and cupcakes, wait, whats 
the toilet paper doing there?!

We made bridal dress's with them!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Flowerbomb is my love.

I'm sitting here thinking what fragrance will I be buying my mother for Mother's Day. She runs out quickly because she uses them all up, and all she ever wants as gifts are perfumes! so should I buy her something she is out of or search for something new tomorrow. I already have a good idea of what she likes and what she doesn't, hmmm. In the mean time I'm sharing with all of you my favorite, I go to my happy place when I smell it :-)

 After smelling and trying so many perfumes the last few weeks, Victor & Rolf has made me very happy creating Flowerbomb! 

What's in my makeup bag

This morning I decided to clean my makeup bag and I took everything out to do so. I found a moment to take a snapshot of everything I carry around with me. I've been inspired by a few people to do this post.  Do I use it all throughout the day? No but you never know when you might. I named some, others I didn't on this pic. My brushes are Mac and Sigma if you are curious :-)

I know for sure I may not be touching up throughout the day anymore after purchasing this!!!

A few weeks ago I was given an Sample of this at the Urban Decay counter at Macy's. Urban Decay all nighter setting spray.  3 days ago I bought the full bottle, not cheap $29, but I haven't had to retouch my makeup during the day AND with this heat I spray a little bit more during the day and it gives my makeup up a fresh look again and a nice glow! I will carry the small one with me in my purse and the full size on my makeup counter. It's worth every penny and it sprays so evenly!